What sets our replica apart from others on the market?
In today’s market, there are numerous replicas of the Eames Lounge Chair, presenting consumers with a myriad of choices. Thus, highlighting the differences between our A+ Taller Ultra Premium Version product and those offered by other vendors becomes crucial. Here is a detailed explanation of the unique advantages of our A+ Taller Ultra Premium Version IMUS Lounge Chair compared to other options on the market, providing potential customers with ample reasons to choose us.
First and foremost, we’ve placed a stringent emphasis on material selection and craftsmanship details, ensuring each product closely mirrors the original as much as possible. For instance, our cushions are designed to be removable, not only facilitating easy cleaning and maintenance but also offering more personalized configuration options to meet diverse customer needs. Additionally, our wood components undergo a double-sided veneering process, enhancing the material’s durability and wear resistance while maintaining its natural beauty. Importantly, our chairs are equipped with robust rubber shock mounts, with every detail meticulously planned to deliver optimal comfort and durability.

The main differences are as follows:

The chair’s piping is made of full-grain aniline leather.
The piping on lower-end products is indeed made of synthetic leather.

The material inside the armrests is different.
Our Ultra version chair features a steel plate inside the armrests, as opposed to the wood used in lower-end models, offering a better curvature fit to the human body.

On the left is the wooden shell of the low-end product, while on the right is the wooden shell of our Ultra version. The left one is made of eucalyptus from Southeast Asia, while the right one is made of birch wood imported from the Siberian plateau of Russia. Birch wood grows in a perennial low-temperature environment, which results in slow production and fewer knots. The wood grain is uniform, and the pressed wooden shell is more beautiful. The one on the right uses double-sided paint with metal clips, while the one on the left is single-sided and internally connected with Velcro.

The backing material is different.
Low-end products use Velcro as the connecting method, with non-woven fabric as the base. However, the Ultra version features a silicone backboard, Japanese YKK zipper connecting leather and silicone back lining, which can be opened for cleaning.

Uses imported YKK zippers from Japan
The hardware linking the back of the cushion and the silicone backing uses imported YKK zippers from Japan, ensuring durability and strength. While you might not see the back of the cushion when you receive the chair, you can refer to this video to see how to remove the cushion. This is also the most direct way to distinguish between our Ultra version and lower-end versions.

The filling material is different.
The filling material for the low-end product is a honeycomb coal structure, whereas the high-end Ultra version features a one-piece solid filling material, which is double-layered. The top layer is softer to ensure comfort, while the bottom layer is firmer to provide sufficient support.
Compared to many other replicas on the market, our Ultra Premium lounge chair makes a concerted effort to preserve the spirit and design philosophy of the original. The backward tilt of the chair allows occupants to lean back and receive comprehensive support, achieved through precise replication of geometric structures and dimensions. We recognize the crucial role geometry plays in maintaining comfort, ensuring every angle and dimension precisely matches the original.
Moreover, we understand that correct angles, dimensions, and geometry are essential for ensuring the chair’s comfort. If these elements are compromised, the sitting experience diminishes, possibly preventing prolonged use, which goes against the very purpose of purchasing a lounge chair. Hence, we adopted an unparalleled approach by acquiring an original HM company chair as a blueprint, replicating every component at a 1:1 ratio, including the metal base’s tilt angle, to ensure our replica is indistinguishable from the original in both appearance and experience.
We are proud to say that many customers who have purchased our chairs, after testing the authentic Eames Lounge Chair in local furniture stores, reported being unable to differentiate between the replica and the original. This high degree of similarity attests to our commitment to quality and the exceptional craftsmanship of our products.
Beyond the meticulous refinement of the product itself, we also offer exemplary customer service, ensuring every customer enjoys a satisfying purchasing experience. From consultation to purchase and post-sale service, our team is dedicated to providing personalized support and solutions, ensuring every customer’s needs are met.
In summary, choosing our Eames Lounge Chair replica is not just about the exquisite craftsmanship and material selection; it’s about our profound understanding of the original’s spirit and our relentless pursuit of comfort. Our product is not just furniture; it’s a tribute to classic design and an enhancement to the quality of home life. We warmly invite you to experience all this, letting our chair become a testament to elegance and comfort in your home.