The Best Eames Lounge Chair Replica: Detailed Buyers Guide and Reviews
If you’re a lover of relaxation, comfort, and great interior décor, then you must be familiar with the most iconic furniture of all time- the Eames Lounge Chair or Eames lounge chair replicas. A people favorite, this iconic chair spans decades and has been known for its elegance and intricate design amongst other things. Created by Herman Miller, the Eames lounge chair and ottoman has maintained a huge price tag. This huge price tag created the need for more affordable versions of the Eames chair over the years.
With the introduction of Eames lounge chair replicas, people now have access to the exact design of the original Eames chair without having to break the bank. The major issue with Eames lounge chair replicas is finding one that’s of premium quality. As easy as that may sound it’s a lot of work because there’s so much to consider. This is why we have put this post together, after much research. To show you exactly what kind of Eames chair you should steer clear of and the ones you can confidently purchase.
Eames Chair Buyers Guide

What to look for when choosing an Eames Lounge Chair Replica
There’s a lot to consider when you want to buy an Eames lounge chair replica. To get the best value for your money and of course, a chair that will stand the test of time you should bear in mind the design, the visible and invisible hardware, the assembly, and more. Let’s talk about these important things to look out for before you buy an Eames chair. To select an Eames chair that suits your style and fits your budget consider:
- The Design
The replica of a thing should look exactly like the original, only a few things should differentiate the two. The original Eames chair is handmade to perfection which is why it has a high price tag. Replica Eames chairs are mass-produced and sometimes manufacturers cannot just get the design right.
Thankfully some manufacturers like Curverk have mastered the exact design of the Eames lounge chair. They’ve even upgraded theirs to have 8ply layers rather than the usual 7. When considering the design of an Eames lounge chair before you buy, look out for
- The Arm Rest
How wide is the armrest on the Eames chair replica? Is it as wide as the one in the original? A perfect armrest should be at least one foot wide so that your hand can comfortably relax on it without stress. The armrests are basically like pillows that keep your arm comfortable when you’re relaxing on the chair.
- Recline
The original Eames chair is distinct in that the recline is adjustable. Rather it has a fixed 15 degrees recline angle. Most replica Eames chairs do not get this angle correctly but a few of them do. Getting an Eames chair replica that features the 15-degree angle recline is important for comfortability.
- The Wood Shell
A lot of Eames chair replicas in the market fall apart after a few days of use. This is because most manufacturers use low-quality wood instead of plywood like the original. A great Eames chair replica should have 7 layers of ply. A greater Eames chair replica can even offer 8 layers of plywood, for example Curverks Eames style lounge chair replica. The more the plywood layers the more durable the chair will be.
- Metal Legs
A true Eames lounge chair replica will have 5 strong aluminum legs. The Ottoman usually comes with four legs. Look out for a replica that has a strong original aluminum base bracket. This also goes a long way in affecting the durability of the Eames chair replica and ottoman.
- Leather
A very distinct feature of an Eames lounge chair is the leather. Leather must be high grade and quality assured just like the original. Trustworthy replica manufacturers use top-grain leather sourced directly from Italy.
- Price
The price of the original Eames chair will have you breaking the bank. You shouldn’t have to break the bank for an Eames chair replica too. Most sturdy replicas cost around $800-$1200. Anything below that amount might not give you a durable product. Also, the price doesn’t determine the quality, putting other things into consideration with your budget you can get a high-quality Eames chair for a great price.
- The Visible Hardware
The visible hardware includes the seats, the leather, the metal, and the wood. Look out for quality hardware and manufacturers that give you quality assurance. Poor hardware will fall apart in no time. This is common with cheap Amazon finds.
- The Invisible Hardware
The invisible hardware is everything from, the foam used on the backrest, main seat, and the armrest. Some Eames chair replicas are reportedly uncomfortable because of the hard foam used on the inside. The perfect Eames chair replica will have a soft interior that sinks in to receive your weight. An Eames chair replica made with a high elastic sponge and spray cotton will withstand pressure and stand the test of time.
- The Overall Quality (Leather and Wood)
The most visible features of an Eames chair are leather and wood. Leather and wood make up the chair. When it comes to leather and wood you want to look out for certain catchphrases. Words like “High-grade leather”, “Top-grain leather” “from Italy” are important if you want durable leather. For wood lookout for “Plywood” “well finished” “eco-friendly paint” and of course “8 layers plywood”.
The wood grain should be delicate and realistic, you can clearly see the structure of the wood grain. It’s spray-painted using dust-free sealed space spray paint. The surface of the finished board is as smooth and flat as a mirror. The surface of poor quality replicas has sand-like particles that are interspersed on the surface of the wood grain, you can touch the tiny particles with your hands! Our products are never like this, the surface flatness is perfect! The edges of the wood grain are burr-free and well polished, and our compressed panels are made of 8 layers, making them stronger!
- Shipping
It’s important to consider where the Eames chair replica is being shipped from. Most Eames chair replicas ship from overseas and may not get to customers until after 4-5 months. That’s a long time to wait for any product! Look out for an Eames chair replica that is shipped from the United States, that way it can get to you in at most 10 days.
- The Assembly
One major issue people have with Eames chair replicas is the assembling process. It’s either it takes too long or there’s one issue or the other with the hardware. Make sure to look out for Eames lounge chair and ottoman replicas that have detailed assembly instructions. A great manufacturer will even go as far as creating an explainer video. It should take you at most 40 minutes to assemble alone. Even lesser time will be spent with another person’s help.
- Size and Comfort
An authentic Eames lounge chair is as deep as its width. While many Eames lounge chair replicas struggle to get the exact dimensions, some manufacturers have a pin on it. A typical replica would be 32-33inches wide but better versions of the Eames chair replica are 34 inches wide for better comfortability. The size and height determine how comfortable the chair will be.
- Warranty
The original Herman Miller Eames chair comes with a 12-year warranty which is reasonable for its price. Replicas cannot come with that much warranty but a good Eames chair replica should come with at least 4 years warranty. This is rare because most replica manufacturers are not courageous enough to defend the quality of their products. Warranty for furniture overall is rare and only covers deformation or fractures. Warranty does not cover issues that arise from the use of the Eames chair replica.

The Best Eames Chair Replicas
Arming yourself with this guide you should know what to look out for. Based on everything we’ve mentioned we’ve selected the best Eames lounge chair replicas that check all of the quality assurance boxes.
Best Seller: Curverks Eames lounge chair replica Crty303
Budget Buy: Mid Century Eames Style Lounge Chair and Ottoman
Product on saleA+ Taller Ultra Premium Version Imus lounge chair YKPB02$1,450.00 – $1,599.00
Product on saleA+ Taller Ultra Premium Version Imus lounge chair YKWB06$1,499.00 – $1,599.00
Product on saleIMUS Lounge Chair CKTY303Original price was: $990.00.$850.00Current price is: $850.00.
Product on saleTaller Version Imus Lounge Chair Sim-PB05$999.00 – $1,599.00
Product on saleExtra Large IMUS Lounge Chair Aniline Full-grain Vintage glossy Tan Brown Leather CKTY330Original price was: $1,899.00.$1,500.00Current price is: $1,500.00.
Product on saleIMUS Lounge Chair Aniline Leather CKTY319322Original price was: $1,290.00.$1,150.00Current price is: $1,150.00.
Product on saleTaller Version IMUS Lounge Chair Sim-WB03$850.00 – $1,599.00
Product on saleIMUS Lounge Chair CKTY302Original price was: $990.00.$850.00Current price is: $850.00.
Product on saleA+ Taller Ultra Premium Version Imus lounge chair YK218LD$1,950.00 – $2,350.00
These chairs are the perfect depiction of the original Eames lounge chair. From the look to the material, everything about these Eames-style lounge chairs by Curverk screams high quality. Who says you can’t get quality if you’re on a budget? These Eames lounge chair replica costs $890 while other shoddy replicas go for $1300 to $1600 but with lesser quality materials. And consistent customer complaints about hardware.
It gives a lot of value for its price. Manufactured with 8 layers of ply instead of the normal 7 layers of molded plywood many replicas use. The chair can hold up to 350lbs weight and remain as strong as new. It is made from top-grain leather gotten straight from Italy and it stays true to the original Eames lounge chair design with its 15-degree angle recline. Just like the original, the decline on this Eames chair replica cannot be adjusted, it can only swivel while remaining in that permanent tilt position.
The quality of the chair measures up to the swift shipping time. Reviews from buyers say it got to them in about 4-9 days at most and shipping is completely free. The chair is shipped directly from the United States, unlike other Eames lounge chair replicas that ship from overseas.
The packaging also contributes to why this chair is a customer favorite. It is well fashioned with 5 layers of protection, so it can get to customers in one piece. As for the shipping, these chairs are packed in two boxes that ship from different warehouses so they may not arrive at the same time. But they both arrive within the stipulated 4-9 days.
Each Eames lounge chair box gets to customers with a detailed assembling manual and assembling tools. The manual is easy to follow and will have you assembling your chair completely in less than 40 minutes. There’s also an easy-to-understand explained Youtube video that shows the step-by-step assembling process of the chair. It is advised that two people should assemble the chair because of how heavy they can be.
The interior of the chair has PU injected spray cotton and a high elastic sponge so you can trust that the seats hug your body when you seat on it. Compared to other Eames lounge chair replicas in the market, this Eames chair is not a tall version of the original. Instead, it is 32.3 inches tall and almost 3 inches wider than regular Eames chair replicas. Regular lounge chairs have a width of 32.7 but this one is 34.6 inches wide to bring customers extra comfort and peak relaxation.
Considering another important factor which is the surface of the wood. These ones are covered in Fraxinus mandshurica, this gives it its natural color and texture. The edges are flat and customers say it is satisfyingly smooth.
Make sure you keep the original packaging the chair comes in, in case of returns. Returns are highly rare for Curverk’s products but there can be unavoidable hardware issues during shipping. The curve is warranty covers all the hardware parts of the chair in case of deformation, fracture, or breaks. Unlike other Eames lounge chair replicas, Curverks warranty covers the chair for 5 years.
You cannot go wrong with anyone these Curverk Eames lounge chair replicas. They are budget-friendly and of extremely high quality. Just what you need to change the atmosphere of your home.
Now that you’re armed with more than enough information, we are sure you’ll make the right choice. When selecting the perfect Eames lounge chair replica, make sure to consider all these things. You’ll surely get value for your money and of course unbeatable relaxation.